

Created by everpeace


dbt version required: >=1.0.0, <2.0.0

Include the following in your packages.yml file:

  - package: everpeace/dbt_models_metadata
    version: 0.1.0

Run dbt deps to install the package.

For more information on using packages in your dbt project, check out the dbt Documentation.

Important Notice: dbt Labs does not certify or confirm the integrity, operability, effectiveness, or security of any Packages. Please read the dbt Labs Package Disclaimer


(View on GitHub)


Extension package for dbt to build a metadata table for your dbt models along side your models.

Table of Contents

Generated Models' Metadata Table

The models' metadata table is based on the information in Results object in run-on-end context (a.k.a. run_results.json artifact also contains the same information).

Column Description
unique_id model's unique_id
database database name that the model created in
schema schema name that the model created in
table table name that the model created in
description description of the model
dbt_version dbt's version the model creates
invocation_id invocation_id the model affects. invocation_id is generated for each dbt command execution
node Full object representation of the dbt model executed
status dbt's interpretation of runtime success, failure, or error that affects to the model
thread_id Which thread executed this node? E.g. Thread-1
execution_time Total time spent executing the model (node)
timing Array that breaks down execution time into steps (often compile + execute)
adapter_response Dictionary of metadata returned from the database, which varies by adapter. E.g. success code, number of rows_affected, total bytes_processed, etc.
message How dbt will report this result on the CLI, based on information returned from the database
updated_at timestamp at which the row updated

You can add your additional_columns to the table which might contain supplemental information (e.g. git information that generates the models). See Variables section for details.

Supported Adapters

Feel free to open issues or PRs if you wanted to support more adapters!


  1. define package dependency in your packages.yml

    # in your package.yml
      - git: everpeace/dbt-models-metadata
        version: [">=0.1.0", "<0.2.0"]
        # <see https://github.com/everpeace/dbt-models-metadata/latest> for the latest version tag

    For latest release, see https://github.com/everpeace/dbt-models-metadata/releases

  2. please define run-on-end hook to generate model's metadata table

    # in your dbt_project.yml
    - '{{dbt_models_metadata.generate(results)}}'


You can configure this package via var in your dbt_project.yml

    # table_name specifies metadata table name
    table_name: dbt_models_metadata
    # schema specifies the schema in which metadata table is created
    #   target schema will be used if not set
    schema: your_desired_schema
    # You can define additional columns to the metadata table
    # git information would be very useful when your project is maintained by git
    - name: 'git_repo'
      value: 'http://github.com/everpeace/dbt-models-metadata'
      dtype: 'text'
    - name: 'git_commit_hash'
      value: '{{ env_var("GIT_COMMIT_HASH") }}' # you can use various macro here
      dtype: 'text'

      # Column data type is defined by Column API
      #   see: https://docs.getdbt.com/reference/dbt-classes#column
      # dtype: The data type of the column (database-specific)
      # char_size: <If dtype is a variable width character type, the size of the column, or else None>
      # numeric_size: <If dtype is a fixed precision numeric type, the size of the column, or else None>

How It Works At a Glance

To understand how dbt-models-metadata package works, inspecting integration_test directory is handy.

$ cd integration_tests/test

# specify sample profile directory
$ export DBT_PROFILES_DIR=$(pwd)/../.profiles

# prepare sample postgres server
$  docker run --name dbt-models-metadata-postgres \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
    -e POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS="--encoding=UTF8 --no-locale" \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    --rm -d postgres

# dbt run!
#   note that you would need GIT_COMMIT_HASH environment variable
#   because the sample project has 'git_commit_hash' additional columns 
#   which refers to the environment variable
$ dbt deps
$ GIT_COMMIT_HASH=$(git rev-parse head) dbt build
11:02:37  Running 1 on-run-end hook
11:23:05  [dbt-models-metadata] Creating table: "integration_tests_postgres.dbt_models_metadata"
11:23:05  [dbt-models-metadata] Adding columns: [<Column unique_id (text)>, <Column database (text)>, <Column schema (text)>, <Column "table" (text)>, <Column description (text)>, <Column dbt_version (text)>, <Column invocation_id (text)>, <Column node (jsonb)>, <Column status (text)>, <Column thread_id (text)>, <Column execution_time (double precision)>, <Column timing (jsonb)>, <Column adapter_response (jsonb)>, <Column message (text)>, <Column updated_at (timestamptz)>, <Column git_repo (text)>, <Column git_commit_hash (text)>]
11:23:05  [dbt-models-metadata] Removing columns: []
11:02:37  [dbt-models-metadata] 2 rows will be affected in "integration_tests_postgres.dbt_models_metadata"
11:02:37  1 of 1 START hook: models_metadata_integration_tests.on-run-end.0 .............. [RUN]
11:02:37  1 of 1 OK hook: models_metadata_integration_tests.on-run-end.0 ................. [COMMIT in 0.00s]

# see the metadata table
$ cat <<EOT | PGPASSWORD=password psql -h localhost -U postgres
    select * from integration_tests_postgres.dbt_models_metadata;
# ...you'll see the table contents...

# cleanup sample postgres server
$ docker stop dbt-models-metadata-postgres


MIT License


This project is inspired by https://github.com/dbt-content/google-datacatalog-dbt-tag